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Welcome WAM! Attendees

To those who made it to the Getting Started Podcasting presentation, Thanks for attending

We had a great time, and I look forward to hearing from all of you who had questions and are interested in further pursuing podcasting as a great way to communicate with your constituents, audiences, customers/clients, and all those who need to know what you're up to.

To those who couldn't make it

You haven't missed the boat! Podcasting is still very much in reach for you and/or your organization, to make the most of the emerging new technology and use online audio to promote, publicize, market, and get new ideas out to a global audience.

Below are the links I promised at the presentation. There will be more coming, but here's a start:

The Presentation

Getting Started Podcasting (PDF)

Getting Started Podcasting (Powerpoint)


Podsafe Audio - Music you can use without getting sued


Podsafe Audio search results on Google

Recording Your Podcasts

Live Office Conferencing -- sign up for free, then call in and record your podcast for free - they save it to an MP3 which you can either save to your own server, or podcast for the 30 days they archive it at your own web management page. They even offer podcasting tools, so you can create your feed through them. This is a great alternative, if you've got a phone, but no website, and you want to get into podcasting your ideas and expertise quickly and at very low cost.

Audacity -- the open source free audio editor I use both for editing my sound files and Women In Music with Laney Goodman. It's great for both windows and mac.

Publishing Your Podcast

Podtopia's Quickfeed - Quickly and easily create a valid RSS feed for your podcast.

Podshowcreator.com - You can create your podcasts here... and make money on products you promote through Amazon.com.


Podcatchermatrix.org has a comprehensive list of podcatchers (software to let you listen to podcasts).

Opera - the awesome web browser that had RSS integrated with it long before the rest of the crowd. Opera Rocks!